Cancer warning over skin bleaching treatment
Cancer warning over skin bleaching treatment
Grean tea could help get rid of acne
Skin tone linked to fruit and vegetable consumption
Mans lips exploded after he became addicted to fillers
Acne sufferers likely to live longer than people with flawless skin
Could laser hair removal give you CANCER?
Weight-lifting and protein shakes rich in growth hormones may make you bald
5 foods for healthy skin
10 questions about laser hair removal
Breakthrough drug restores more than 90% of lost hair in most patients
Vitamin reverses aging in organs and muscles
Expert reveals the snacks you should eat, according to your body type
Does ginger gene offer key to younger looking skin?
Cancer risk of breast implants 10 times higher than first feared
How you should wash your face?
Top 5 foods for glowing skin
Scientists found effective dandruff treatment
Hair removal injuries rocketed NINE-FOLD since 1991
Surgery addict rushed to hospital after his body REJECTED his new nose
How your make-up bag could wreck your health
Women found to appear up to 20 years younger if they stay out of the sun
Best foods for healthy skin
Can high heels give you cancer?
Skinny jeans and big fluffy hoods contribute to back pain
Guinness World Record for bearded woman Harnaam Kaur
Man has lived with giant neck for 13 years after going to doctors for help
5 most surprising cosmetic surgery trends across the globe
Study reveals alarming dangers of anti-ageing jabs